Chloe H. (G4p TV)
Chloe H. (G4p TV)'s Channel
Chloe H. (G4p TV) has no videos available.
Chloe H. (G4p TV)
Hello folks, welcome to the channel that is also part of G4p Studios. On this channel you'll expect yourself to come across a variety of content from logo bloopers, TTS stuff, reaction videos and so on. Original series that are known as "Tooty-verse" videos include NBC Bloopers, Philips CD-i Bloopers, The Tooty Station, Funny Signs & Errors and PS1 Startup Bloopers. However, upcoming series such as Looly Toots, and Contender Bloopers are not under the Tooty-verse brand, as they are new series, and will most likely have their own branding. Don't forget to subscribe to keep up with new content, and also subscribe to other channels associated with G4p Studios.

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