Dolci Melodie
Description è un nuovo canale web dedicato ai bambini e alle loro famiglie.
Tante filastrocche e canzoncine animate pensate per i più piccoli, ma anche una sezione dedicata all'apprendimento dei più piccini per imparare divertendosi.
Imparare cantando, ridendo e giocando...questo il nostro motto!
Buon Divertimento e...passaparola!
Hi Kids, Welcome to Dolci Melodie – Italian Nursery Rhymes!
Let's enjoy our videos, let's sing, dance and have a lot of fun with us while learning and exploringour contents
Dolci Melodie is the place where parents find fun, quality and educational contents to teach and play with their kids.
All you need to do is subscribe to Dolci Melodie for your toddlers and let them enjoy hundreds of kid’s favourite songs, stories, phonics song and classic nursery rhymes.
For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact
Dolci Melodie is a Mediakids Studio, Inc. Company
Tante filastrocche e canzoncine animate pensate per i più piccoli, ma anche una sezione dedicata all'apprendimento dei più piccini per imparare divertendosi.
Imparare cantando, ridendo e giocando...questo il nostro motto!
Buon Divertimento e...passaparola!
Hi Kids, Welcome to Dolci Melodie – Italian Nursery Rhymes!
Let's enjoy our videos, let's sing, dance and have a lot of fun with us while learning and exploringour contents
Dolci Melodie is the place where parents find fun, quality and educational contents to teach and play with their kids.
All you need to do is subscribe to Dolci Melodie for your toddlers and let them enjoy hundreds of kid’s favourite songs, stories, phonics song and classic nursery rhymes.
For business related matters relating to our channel (including media & advertising) please contact
Dolci Melodie is a Mediakids Studio, Inc. Company
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