Mania AMV's
Mania AMV's's Channel
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Mania AMV's
“Mania-AMV's” offers the most famous and the most interesting AMVs, which can drag you into the world of striking colors, epic fights and extraordinary adventures. We put lots of time and effort into selection of the best scenes from animation to create astonishing videos that are combined with excellent music tracks.
Our channel shows a genuine mania, which stopped during AMV. You will be fascinated by the fast rhythm, energy and electrifying moments that tear the screen. Each video on “Mania AMV's” is an expression of powerful emotions, passion and adrenalin.
We strive to expand your horizons, offering a wide range of genres from impressive action movies to high-strung dramas. Regardless of your style and taste, you will find something special on our channel. We constantly update in order to bring new AMV masterpieces and provide you with regular portion of mania.

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