MikuMikuSparkle95's Channel
MikuMikuSparkle95 has no videos available.
Hello everyone!
Welcome to my MMD channel.
I made this channel for whoever is interested in my MMDs.
I mostly like making these videos with Yu-Gi-Oh! characters, though sometimes I can use others, as well.
As for why I make them - they're something I come to every now and then because I wonder how the characters would look doing certain motions, or whenever I feel inspired to ''insert'' these characters into a music video of sorts ^^
If you like what you see on this channel, you're free to stick around!

If, by any chance, you are the original creator of any of these models/motions/stages/etc and want a video of mine taken down, please let me know.


Fanart in icon by: Chitose Kana (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=712924) (deleted)

Model in banner by: Asaka L (https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/39768453)
Motion in banner by: CIgar (https://twitter.com/sodasoda4649)


Video editing program: Vegas Pro 14
Photo editing program: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020
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