All ratings, comments, views, and subscriptions are appreciated. =)
Hello. This is AdorableYoshi3124! I'm a Let's Player, well new to it actually, I'm getting better. If you like my commentary and vids, then feel free to subscribe to me.
Current LP's:
Tales of Symphonia
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Super Mario Sunshine with Co-commentator AngelPrincess (Only when were both free.)
LP's in progress:
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
Spyro: A Heroes Tail.
For those that watch my videos. I now have a twitch that I've been streaming for a while and I'll start uploading then as well.
Jinn_Uzuki: Twitch
Hello. This is AdorableYoshi3124! I'm a Let's Player, well new to it actually, I'm getting better. If you like my commentary and vids, then feel free to subscribe to me.
Current LP's:
Tales of Symphonia
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Super Mario Sunshine with Co-commentator AngelPrincess (Only when were both free.)
LP's in progress:
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete
Spyro: A Heroes Tail.
For those that watch my videos. I now have a twitch that I've been streaming for a while and I'll start uploading then as well.
Jinn_Uzuki: Twitch
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