Brick Regent
Brick Regent's Channel
Brick Regent has no videos available.
Brick Regent
Hello, everyone. Welcome to my LEGO stop motion channel consisting of Star Wars Brick Films. Although most of my stop motion will cover the Clone Wars, I will sometimes upload GCW films. I may create some other, non SW films in the future, but I am currently focused on those two categories.

Please subscribe to, share and savor my channel and its content.


Q: What program do you use?
A: I use Adobe After Effects and iMovie and Stop Motion Studio.

Q: Where do you get your figures?
A: I get them from Clonearmycustoms, and some of them are commissioned through various decalers such as CustomSM.

Q: Sub for sub?
A: No. Your channel won't grow unless you exert the needed effort to make it grow.

Q: Why do you curse in your films?
A: Because only sticks and stones should break your bones.

Q: Rex.
A: That's not a question. Next!

Q: Can you do voice lines for me?
A: Sure, but it'll depend on how busy I am.

Q: Can I voice act in your film?
A: You may, but only if you're above 12.
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