TheGuyWhoIsSitting's Channel
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Hello, and welcome to TheGuyWhoIsSitting. A channel from 2006 which started uploading in 2009 with Pokemon Platinum WiFi battles. Since then I have posted videos until X and Y came out with varying degrees of frequency. A little after Heart Gold and Soul Silver were officially released, I got burned out on battling, every battle felt the same and I was looking forward to Pokemon Black and White, while both games had successful runs and people posted a lot of battles from them, peoples interest in Pokemon battling waned and has practically died off in the days of Black and White. I think this can be attributed to the lack of an autoleveling to level 100 system that Gen 4 had. This was a really stupid change and no one knows why Gamefreak did that. So this channel is a bit of an anomaly, I post sometimes, but it's really difficult to find battles now. I have a running lets play series called Ditto Solo Run Returns, and I've been slow to update it, with a video coming out once every year.
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