kuraudochuu's Channel
kuraudochuu has no videos available.
N a m e : kuraudo

you could also call me claude, cloud, kura-kun, or whatever you want. heck, you can call me muffin.

B i r t h d a y : February 20

L i k e s : iDOLM@STER, vocaloid, singing, you

Let's see...well to start, I suppose I've been singing for about two years on YouTube? Though I switched accounts, explaining my lack of videos. XD I lost a lot of subscribers in that process, so I can only hope for the best. I really love to sing, although I often face a lack of motivation. Please be patient with me~

It would mean the world if you would support my singing by subscribing!! (*≧▽≦)
I love you all.

Oh, I take requests. ♡
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