Off The Kirb Ministries
Off The Kirb Ministries's Channel
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Off The Kirb Ministries
Off The Kirb Ministries
Off The Kirb Ministries shares Christian motivational videos, street preaching content, encouragement in God's grace and more to help you grow as a believer through the power of Holy Spirit as you serve Jesus. If you're a Christian, street preacher or follower of Jesus who needs encouragement in your faith; these videos will hopefully be a blessing in your Christian lifestyle. So please consider subscribing!

I work full-time as an Evangelist based in Lancashire, England. My evangelistic outreach consists of open air preaching, church outreach events, pulpit preaching, youth ministry and of Christian YouTube videos!
To stay updated with my street preaching and other UK street preacher friends, check out our “Street Preaching Channel”

*** I upload a NEW video every SATURDAY 9:30am Eastern Time. ***

Much love to you all in Christ,

Joe Kirby
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