Thank you for your positive comments. I post my videos to provide enjoyment to anyone who loves to play or listen to the guitar. I'm a self-taught musician who has learned to play primarily by listening to recordings and through self-discovery. My love of folk, blues, bluegrass, country, rock, ragtime, and jazz has been the catalyst for teaching myself to be a proficient flat-picker and finger-picker. My youtube videos employ a close-up view of my performances to maintain anonymity. They are provided solely for entertainment and not intended as instructional information. I'm not promoting any live appearances and not marketing any recordings, downloads, or music notations. I play by ear and do not use or have music or tabs or create any tutorials. Students of the guitar can gain some knowledge from keen observation of my clips. I'm not available to reply to messages or questions and an intermediary maintains my channel. I'm the sole performer on all my videos. - Fret Killer
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