We Are Striatum
We Are Striatum's Channel
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We Are Striatum
Welcome to the Striatum YouTube channel, where all of our game montage videos are available to be experienced. The content you see is the result of gamers and professional editors coming together to create a viewing experience that truly captures a players favorite gaming moments and drives an emotional response from every montage. You can count on 4% of all profits made as a result of these videos to go to the Michael J. Fox foundation to support Parkinson's Disease research.

Incredible Game Montages. Gamers supporting humanity. Now that's teamwork.

Use code "Striatum" for 10% off all GFuel purchases at www.gfuel.com

Visit www.WeAreStriatum.com to join the cause and start immortalizing your greatest gaming moments.

I am a consultant to GAMMA LABS with respect to the Product
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