unstoppable turtle
unstoppable turtle's Channel
unstoppable turtle has no videos available.
unstoppable turtle
Hello, this is a channel where I post unique custom creations.
- It has to be unique, which makes viewers feel exclusive when viewing my content.
- It has to be entertaining, as less boring content as possible in my videos. (Meaning although a video might be around 35 minutes, I would shrink that during editing to below 5-10 minutes)
- It has to be consistent, I don’t just post Minecraft then go to β€œReal life how to make custom sandwiches” all of the sudden. (Also by consistent I don’t mean upload schedule. School is a big factor for this reason)
- It has to be appropriate. (No sussy allowed around here)

πŸ”°To contact or support this channel:

Discord server: https://discord.gg/aDmcPvD
(Where you can contact me about my custom creations, request questions, or just join so I can flex my ego)
Now some common questions:

What editor app do I use?

Wow you got more questions?
[Discord server: https://discord.gg/aDmcPvD]

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