LizzieLestrange ASMR
LizzieLestrange ASMR's Channel
LizzieLestrange ASMR has no videos available.
LizzieLestrange ASMR
LizzieLestrange ASMR
Hello there!
Thank you for taking an interest in my channel.
This is where I create videos to try and help you guys get some well deserved relaxation and sleep.
As someone who struggles to get that rest time, ASMR has always been my go-to when I need it most and I felt it was time to give back to the community by means of creating my own channel to try and help others.
You may notice from the style of my videos that I am also a cosplayer. I thought this would add to the videos in some way that might make them more interesting to watch!

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the videos!

- Liz x

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