MasterOshawott (MO)
MasterOshawott (MO)'s Channel
MasterOshawott (MO) has no videos available.
MasterOshawott (MO)
MasterOshawott's personal channel for animations and entertainment!

Here you can find various animated shorts and memes, as well as reviews, video games, commentary, tutorials and more!

While I don't particularly direct my content towards younger children, I do wish to make things that are enjoyable for all ages and appropriate for everyone! There might be some cases where I talk about serious or more mature subjects, though I always try to present them in a dignifying manner and never use foul language.

I also may blurt out some Bible verses from time to time, you have been warned.

Equipment and Programs (in case you are wondering):
Wacom Tablet (Intous Pro)
TVPaint 11 Pro
Paint Tool Sai
Blender (The software, not the kitchen appliance.)
Power Director 16 - DaVinci Resolve
Audacity (for Audio)
My Brain

Channel Banner by myself.
Avatar by Sissel G on Twitter! (
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