Michaela's Channel
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Growing Old is Mandatory, Growing up is optional.
You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stopped laughing.

Stromatolite577 sent me this beautiful poem... I want to thank everyone for the support. My mother and I both appreciate it very much.

As long as there is life, there is hope!
As long as there is a fire in your heart
And a hatred for all death and suffering
You have a chance. Never let unfortunate words
Or missed opportunities weaken your resolve.
You have seen this enemy up close.
You now know its face. Hate it.
Hate it like any enemy who threatens life.
Take from your resolve and pass it to her
if hers is weakened by fear.
Fight this with all that is who you are.
You both can win this!

alexkaapa quotation:

Objective morality is nothing more than an egocentrist person seeing his subjective opinion on a matter as a universal, transendent truth. And the biggest danger is that each person who believes in objective morality does so, meaning that there can never be controversial moral issue, which can be settled, but they would rather lead to war.
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