GameHunter & Madness
GameHunter & Madness's Channel
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GameHunter & Madness
GameHunter & Madness
Hello My Fellow Hunters ad Huntresses welcome to our Lodge of Madness and Gaming, but most importantly fun and laughs.

This Channel is a brother duo who have been playing games for as long as we can remember it all started in 1987 when i got my first console my NES, loved that console been introduced to characters like Mario and Turtles great times.

Over the years we have had nearly every console that came onto the market, systems like the mega drive with Sonic, the master system with Alex the Kidd and Double Dragon and every console that came after.

Gaming is our life, but we play them for the joy, fun and adventure that games bring and we would love to have our join our journey through the magic of games and adventure.

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