MrWheelie19's Channel
MrWheelie19 has no videos available.
A motley crew of gun reviews, thoughts and opinions on legal and social issues facing America's firearms owners, firearms safety and whatever else my pachinko-machine-like thought process happens to land on at the moment.
Future plans for this channel include posting in-depth videos discussing current legal and/or social issues facing America's gun owners; with a special focus on the Second Amendment and what its place is in our Constitution and our society in general. I will be examining "hot topic" firearms-related issues from any and all states in our republic.
I also hope to eventually post videos on the exercising of the unalienable rights you have been endowed with by your Creator. Increasingly, we Americans are being treated like pets by OUR government. We are not possessions and are not supposed to have a human Master that we blindly obey. The ever-growing practice of ignoring our Constitution and the base ideals on which this country was built is extremely dangerous to our way of life and needs to stop. This can only happen if we behave the way we're supposed to: like the rightful Masters of our country. And this can only be made known if we start acknowledging our Constitution, asserting our authority and CIVILLY exercising our rights.

P.S. Please be advised that some of these videos may contain "objectionable" language. Be mindful of any children that might be within hearing distance. I may be a foul-mouthed heathen upon occasion but my Mother did raise a gentleman, so I don't cuss in front of children or any ladies who may take offense. And I make it a point to never take / use the Lord's name in vain (Deuteronomy 5:11). As for the guys, either man-up or eat shit if you can't take a few four-lettered words here and there.

"Do what thy manhood bids thee do,
from none but self expect applause;
He noblest lives and noblest dies,
who makes and keeps his self-made laws".
--Sir Richard Francis Burton

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free".

"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one".
-- Luke 22:36

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest".
--Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi


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