"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
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Caleb Fornal is a 5 year old boy fighting Leukemia. The average cost for Leukemia treatment exceeds $250,000 with just one round of chemothereapy costing around $150,000. As you can tell this is very expensive for a family to come up with. So we made this channel to raise awareness and donations as well as any money we may make through partnerships and what not to help get Caleb the treatment he needs.
BG: if you would like to make us a youtube backround please send us the backround and who might be our next backround:)
Questions? Pm us!
Caleb Fornal is a 5 year old boy fighting Leukemia. The average cost for Leukemia treatment exceeds $250,000 with just one round of chemothereapy costing around $150,000. As you can tell this is very expensive for a family to come up with. So we made this channel to raise awareness and donations as well as any money we may make through partnerships and what not to help get Caleb the treatment he needs.
BG: if you would like to make us a youtube backround please send us the backround and who might be our next backround:)
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