DarrenTheUltimate's Channel
DarrenTheUltimate has no videos available.
The proud leader of TheUnderratedGamers collab channel!

I'm possibly the best Camcorder LPer you will ever come across. I try my best to put out the the best videos as possible and with every video that I upload, it gradually gets better and better. All I ask from you is to show some love by subscribing, liking and commenting and help make me a better LPer! Thanks in advance.

Finished LPs----

#1 - Pokèmon SoulSilver
#1.5 - Pokèmon SoulSilver: Aftergame
#2 - Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
#3 - Kid Icarus: Uprising
#4 - Kirby: Squeak Squad
#5 - Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Current LPs---

#6 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D BLIND
#7 - Pokèmon Omega Ruby Mono-Gen Walkthrough

Also: Check out my drawing and wifi battles' playlist, my second channel DarrenTheUltimate2 & collab channel: TheUnderratedGamers if you're interested in more of my epic content!
Channel Comments
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