Scale Model Kit Review Studio
Scale Model Building, Reviews, Tools, Books, and Garage Kits. Scale Model Kit Review Studio YouTube channel is dedicated to bring you scale model kit reviews, figure painting, book reviews, decals and historical videos. I live in the Southwest United States and I've been building and collecting scale models for over 52 years, you can find some of my model builds on & here on this channel. I'm a member of IPMS USA. I build large scale models for FanHome / DeAgostini Collectibles, IXO Collections, Agora Models and the original Eaglemoss partworks kits. You can also join me via Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X and my Blog. Contact me at the email address below. I have over 5.3 million views and this channel is continually growing. #scalemodels #modelkit #artist Please Subscribe to my channel.
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