Partnered with RPM Network since 3-11-13
Hey everybody, I'm MetroLuigi but you can call me Ben or Sleeves, and I'm a Let's Player. I only do Let's Plays on games that are Nintendo and Sega based. I hope you enjoy the content on my channel! Don't forget to subscribe!
I am willing to co-commentate on people's videos, just ask me if you want. If I need a co-commentator on my videos, I will ask someone.
Hey everybody, I'm MetroLuigi but you can call me Ben or Sleeves, and I'm a Let's Player. I only do Let's Plays on games that are Nintendo and Sega based. I hope you enjoy the content on my channel! Don't forget to subscribe!
I am willing to co-commentate on people's videos, just ask me if you want. If I need a co-commentator on my videos, I will ask someone.
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