Crayonized's Channel
Crayonized has no videos available.
Hello there and my name is Crayonized!

I simply upload videos if I want to. I upload PVZ Content and Minecraft Content, at the same time, and I know it's a tough one combining 2 different games into a single channel.

Basically the edits is pretty much simple because I edit in my phone but I won't add to much of it lol.

Overall, I make content for fun, and for my viewers to enjoy.

Thank you and welcome to my channel! Enjoy your stay and be notified to my new uploads!

FAQs if you wanna know

I am asian

I got my name to a website where it generates random words that doesn't exist but still give a meaning to it.

Perhaps that's all I guess

Profile pic by some random guy I found lol shoutout to him!!!!!
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