Matt Florence
This is a defunct channel. Sadly editing videos was too much work for the very few views I got so I dedicated myself to university study and moved onto other things. By now youtube's algorithm has realised that I was absent for a long time and my channel isn't worth suggesting.
I made most of my videos before my university education and so my research skills weren't very good. Even though I sincerely tried my best to put out quality videos based on facts and evidence, they often fell flat because my lack of a formal education (due to missing years of school) made it very difficult. I was also less confident, didn't look very attractive physically, and so it's embarassing to look back.
Despite leaving this channel I will always dedicate myself to both education and justice, however this will not be done through youtube but instead local activism, university study, books, articles, and a lot of boring behind the scenes busy work. Thanks for the views :)
Matt, November 28, 2021.
I made most of my videos before my university education and so my research skills weren't very good. Even though I sincerely tried my best to put out quality videos based on facts and evidence, they often fell flat because my lack of a formal education (due to missing years of school) made it very difficult. I was also less confident, didn't look very attractive physically, and so it's embarassing to look back.
Despite leaving this channel I will always dedicate myself to both education and justice, however this will not be done through youtube but instead local activism, university study, books, articles, and a lot of boring behind the scenes busy work. Thanks for the views :)
Matt, November 28, 2021.
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