Liam Savage
Liam Savage's Channel
Liam Savage has no videos available.
Liam Savage
So after 16+ years of having a YouTube channel dedicated to all sorts of videos, with a heavy focus on music and wrestling, my once slowly increasing channel that was grown organically with over 3,000 subscribers and over a million views, was taken down for good, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Thankfully, the time has come that I have recovered all my past data from my old account (well, I'm pretty sure at this point!), and I will slowly but surely start to pump out the content that you came to expect and enjoy on my old channel, but with new content to be added.

Featured on this channel is videos from my personal collection, some VHS, some DVD, and some digital I've acquired along the way.

And as a special way to roll out new content regularly, a new video will debut each day at 5pm EST!

I welcome you all back to my channel; Version 2! Thanks for watching!

For any inquiries, please look at my Linktree and/or "Contact Info".

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