MinxLaura123 Shorts
MinxLaura123 Shorts's Channel
MinxLaura123 Shorts has no videos available.
MinxLaura123 Shorts
Hi! I am Laura and this is my YouTube shorts channel.
I will be uploading RANDOM youtube shorts videos on this channel! :)
I am from the U.K. I have 2 other YouTube channels so please check them out ---
My main channel = MinxLaura123 ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/c/MinxLaura123( relaxing asmr videos)
My Vlog channel = MinxLaura123's wacky World - https://www.youtube.com/c/MinxLaura123sW...
I love making YouTube videos, reading books, the paranormal, shopping, walking, watching t.v. and gaming.
I am happily engaged to the lovely Nathan :) My Star Sign is Leo. I am Jewish. My Fave colour is pink :)
I hope you will enjoy my content and please come and follow me on my socials -
Twitter @minxlaura123 Instagram - Minxlaura123 Tik Tok @minxlaura123asmr

#shorts #minxlaura123 #youtubeshorts

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