Ine RP Braat
Ine RP Braat's Channel
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Ine RP Braat
You may say, I am a DREAMER, don't wake me up...

Dare to dream of far off lands, dream of deserts, covered in sand.
Dream of rainforests, trees high above, dream of finding your one true love.

Dare to dream of lies or the truth, dream of never losing your youth.
Dream of battles, dream of a spark, dream of light, a light in the dark.

Dare to dream of fighting and sadness, dream of men, succumbed to madness.
Dream of warmth and heat and flame, dream that your life is just a game.

Dare to dream of hate and mistrust, dream of all that’s true and just.
Dream of drowning, drowning in the sea, dare to dream of dreaming, yes dare to dream with me...

🙏BLESSINGS of █▄❤️VE🕊️🕊️før➷ᵧₒᵤ💕ℒℴѵℯ ℒifℯ, Ine Braat🙋 & 🐕 Yara.
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