Zipper Karaoke
This a collection of Karaoke Video's created by Zipper Karaoke. I've been creating karaoke video's since 2008. This is a hobby for me. In the past, I used backing tracks I've purchased on the internet or ones I've received from artists or friends. I just added the lyrics and make them into karaoke. More recently, due to improved technology, I've been able to remove vocals from original tracks and make those songs into karaoke.
I do not sell karaoke tracks and a lot of the backing tracks and karaoke videos are available for purchase on other websites. I just thought it would be fun to share all my video's on a youtube channel!
I do not take requests from people on the internet. If you want to suggest a song, go ahead and do so. If it's something I feel like I would enjoy doing, I'll do it! There are some links below of other places to go and get songs made into karaoke.
Donations are accepted here...
I do not sell karaoke tracks and a lot of the backing tracks and karaoke videos are available for purchase on other websites. I just thought it would be fun to share all my video's on a youtube channel!
I do not take requests from people on the internet. If you want to suggest a song, go ahead and do so. If it's something I feel like I would enjoy doing, I'll do it! There are some links below of other places to go and get songs made into karaoke.
Donations are accepted here...
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