info here
Male | 14 | ES - ENG - BR - JP - RU | Pron: He/She (prefer "he" however-) | i suffer insomnia and anxiety
fandoms: trains, ENA, Sonic.EXE (leaving tho), Parappa, GTA SA, Mafalda, TTTE, FNF, FNATI, MLAATR, CMY2K, HN, KND, OTGW, GTag, Pibby, Murder Drones, Cry Of Fear, Hello Kitty, Tamagotchi World, and Lalaloopsy's Land
lazy to name all my OCs godda-
-Working on FNF X PIBBY: Reborn Static, II:TDA, Internet Inserruction, Cam_Toonz's Darkness Carnage, and Trevor Henderson's Files
-Owner and Director of Lalaloopsy's Funkin' / LalaFunkin' (we hiring!)
-I don't usually draw my characters when they have been drawn once, and more if they took a long time to draw
-If you're going to add me on dis, please tell me in here to know who you are first
-Call me Web
-I HATE fictional yuri
Male | 14 | ES - ENG - BR - JP - RU | Pron: He/She (prefer "he" however-) | i suffer insomnia and anxiety
fandoms: trains, ENA, Sonic.EXE (leaving tho), Parappa, GTA SA, Mafalda, TTTE, FNF, FNATI, MLAATR, CMY2K, HN, KND, OTGW, GTag, Pibby, Murder Drones, Cry Of Fear, Hello Kitty, Tamagotchi World, and Lalaloopsy's Land
lazy to name all my OCs godda-
-Working on FNF X PIBBY: Reborn Static, II:TDA, Internet Inserruction, Cam_Toonz's Darkness Carnage, and Trevor Henderson's Files
-Owner and Director of Lalaloopsy's Funkin' / LalaFunkin' (we hiring!)
-I don't usually draw my characters when they have been drawn once, and more if they took a long time to draw
-If you're going to add me on dis, please tell me in here to know who you are first
-Call me Web
-I HATE fictional yuri
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