Hey my name's Charlie,I've been into gaming since I was five years old when I received my first handheld game the GameBoy Colour which I spent many hours playing Super Mario Land 2 on.
Throughout the years I became more serious about gaming and began collecting figurines and plushies.
My favourite game's of all time have to be The Crash Bandicoot series made by Naughty Dog for the PS1.
I began collection action figures and other gaming merchandise at the early age of seven years old. Bootfairs and Ebay is where I began to find my luck as I've picked up some pretty rare and unique figures/plushies. Still at the age of 17 I'm still collecting the odd merchandise now and then and enjoy what I do.
3DS friend code: 1907-9617-0316
Throughout the years I became more serious about gaming and began collecting figurines and plushies.
My favourite game's of all time have to be The Crash Bandicoot series made by Naughty Dog for the PS1.
I began collection action figures and other gaming merchandise at the early age of seven years old. Bootfairs and Ebay is where I began to find my luck as I've picked up some pretty rare and unique figures/plushies. Still at the age of 17 I'm still collecting the odd merchandise now and then and enjoy what I do.
3DS friend code: 1907-9617-0316
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