YouTube channel highlighting Personal Self-Defense, Firearms, Urban Preparedness Training, Wilderness Survival, Camping Advice and Gear Review. Learn how to keep yourself safe in any situation!!
"The Rhino" is a former Sheriff's Deputy, as well as a senior "Use of Force" Instructor at his state police academy, He holds three martial arts black belts, A fourth degree in T.A.I. Kung fu, a black sash in Wu Wei Gung-Fu under former Bruce Lee student Joseph Cowles and a Second Degree Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. He is also a firearms instructor, an avid outdoorsman and camper, urban survival expert and comedian who didn't quit his day job.
Comments are only moderated on the basis of language. You are welcome to disagree if you do so respectfully.
Who is this channel geared toward? It's designed for men AND WOMEN who are looking to begin or enhance their entry level preparedness or self-defense skills in an uncertain world. It is not for the paranoid..just the prepared.
"The Rhino" is a former Sheriff's Deputy, as well as a senior "Use of Force" Instructor at his state police academy, He holds three martial arts black belts, A fourth degree in T.A.I. Kung fu, a black sash in Wu Wei Gung-Fu under former Bruce Lee student Joseph Cowles and a Second Degree Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. He is also a firearms instructor, an avid outdoorsman and camper, urban survival expert and comedian who didn't quit his day job.
Comments are only moderated on the basis of language. You are welcome to disagree if you do so respectfully.
Who is this channel geared toward? It's designed for men AND WOMEN who are looking to begin or enhance their entry level preparedness or self-defense skills in an uncertain world. It is not for the paranoid..just the prepared.
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