haha so you found goingdownthetubes...
home of old subarus,0-60's,junkyards and many cars!
the channel where i record my buddies and i do stupid stuff,go to wrecking yards and make videos on my subarus and other cars i come across of my friends
if this is the first you have heard of me
please check out my primary channel crammage
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║╔╗╠╗╔╣╔╗║If you support or
║╚╝║║║║╚╝║are a member of
║╔╗║║║║╔╗║the anti-troll alliance
╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝(Original by metallhead123, revision made by 666DeathMagnetic)
The Anti-Troll Alliance
please subscribe rate and comment on my videos tell your friends i want to be known!
home of old subarus,0-60's,junkyards and many cars!
the channel where i record my buddies and i do stupid stuff,go to wrecking yards and make videos on my subarus and other cars i come across of my friends
if this is the first you have heard of me
please check out my primary channel crammage
╔══╦══╦══╗Put this On your profile
║╔╗╠╗╔╣╔╗║If you support or
║╚╝║║║║╚╝║are a member of
║╔╗║║║║╔╗║the anti-troll alliance
╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝╚╝(Original by metallhead123, revision made by 666DeathMagnetic)
The Anti-Troll Alliance
please subscribe rate and comment on my videos tell your friends i want to be known!
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