Sinister Productions
Sinister Productions's Channel
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Sinister Productions
Sinister Productions
ourWorld Name: F E Y
Hi I'm Frances/Sinister.
I'd like to thank all of the people who have subscribed to me. No I'm not getting paid, but I love making videos anyway. :)

One thing I like about making videos is that I inspire most of you to make your own and that you can be just as good!

Another thing is that it's my safe zone I feel like no matter what horrible thing I go through in life and can over come it and inspire someone to do something they'd like for a change at least that how I feel about it lol.

But in all seriousness I'd like to say that all of you have a purpose. And you guys have given me mine. So thank you.

And thanks for watching! :)
If you see me around ourWorld don't be SHY :o Say hello!
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