G-Lu Studio
G-Lu Studio's Channel
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G-Lu Studio
G-Lu STUDIO is about different experiences that have happened & witnessed by the creator. You will find new different videos that the creator love to do as her hobbies & doing some challenge videos where the creator is being challenged by other creators. She will do live streams 5days max (Mon-Fri US) weekly. Withal, she also feature arts, modelling, fashion & day to day life events that are happening around us in general. Furthermore, an occasional honest products review on different items & trends both good & bad that she previewed. She will occasionally model some items as well as she is a freelance Texas Print & Runway Model that viewers love & suit to enjoy watching thus, G-Lu Studio will keep you entertained by providing a show that will entertain the viewers. Lastly, she will do products review mostly from SPONSORS and her own picked items hence, a chance to find out in a HER different styles—FILIPINA/SPAIN LINEAGE & AMERICAN lifestyle PLUS she is freakin’ WITTY & HILARIOUS.
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