Shangela Plays
Welcome to the bizarre brain child of Sean and Angela! The two best parts of Glorious Moosetache Gaming and the Double Damsels, respectively.
After working together on the delightfully fuzzy and deliciously heartfelt Christmas special in 2014 Sean and Angela formed a bond with their own weird and quite often sick sense of humour.
Although Sean works away from home and lives in England (which is approximately 28 miles from Florida where Angela resides) every weekend the disgusting duo get together via the webnet to play all manner of games. After doing so for nearly a year they realised they'd started roughly 6 million games and never finished any of them, so one beautiful, pretty and big bossomed individual suggested they start a channel to motivate them into finishing them, Angela immediately agreed and so our channel was born.
Join us for the ride, it's going to be a bumpy, disgusting journey and we'll no doubt offend everyone in the universe, or at least we're going to try.
After working together on the delightfully fuzzy and deliciously heartfelt Christmas special in 2014 Sean and Angela formed a bond with their own weird and quite often sick sense of humour.
Although Sean works away from home and lives in England (which is approximately 28 miles from Florida where Angela resides) every weekend the disgusting duo get together via the webnet to play all manner of games. After doing so for nearly a year they realised they'd started roughly 6 million games and never finished any of them, so one beautiful, pretty and big bossomed individual suggested they start a channel to motivate them into finishing them, Angela immediately agreed and so our channel was born.
Join us for the ride, it's going to be a bumpy, disgusting journey and we'll no doubt offend everyone in the universe, or at least we're going to try.
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