I'm done uploading shiny Pokémon videos. I will still do a bit of shiny hunting whenever I feel like it but I will no longer be uploading any videos on this channel. I hope you enjoy the content that I have already posted and good luck to those who still hunt and upload videos. I'm not going to be gone forever, I will still show up to check mail and comments occasionally and I will still be in existence. Remember, I am Matthewroxtheparty and I am still a Poké fan! ;)
Video Views:
30,000 - 30.05.12
40,000 - 27.07.12
50,000 - 13.09.12
60,000 - 04.12.12
70,000 - 08.03.13
80,000 - 07.06.13
90,000 - 17.08.13
100,000 - 10.12.13
37 shiny uploads in 2012
32 shiny uploads in 2013
Video Views:
30,000 - 30.05.12
40,000 - 27.07.12
50,000 - 13.09.12
60,000 - 04.12.12
70,000 - 08.03.13
80,000 - 07.06.13
90,000 - 17.08.13
100,000 - 10.12.13
37 shiny uploads in 2012
32 shiny uploads in 2013
Friends (12)
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