FabrixCraft 01
FabrixCraft 01's Channel
FabrixCraft 01 has no videos available.
FabrixCraft 01
Hello my name is Fabricio in this channel you will find figures made of plasticine here you can tell me characters of anything to make of plasticine and upload it to my channel and you can follow me on my social networks to ask me for a greeting or show me your figure and put it in a video. I would appreciate it if you follow me on my Instagram in case you want to say hello or appear in a video sending me your photos of figures you made: D
🌟INSTAGRAM: FabrixCraft_01

I hope to grow a lot and this would be my goal on YouTube


1,000,000: ×

100,000: ×

10,000: ×

1,000: √

100: √

Welcome to the Fabrix family, we'll see you in my last video: D
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