KingEnzu's Channel
KingEnzu has no videos available.
Skype - orevolution

July 2010 - October 2012

2 Years of Logic

Quit. over gaming all together. getting to that age now were everything else is a lot more important. my apprenticeship / relationship and basicly life in general :L but i can say im happy with what ive done. since ive been doing this since i was 13. and now im 16. ive been in multiple #1 teams and leading one of ps3's most known and legnedary PS3 Clans Logic which held #1 for a solid 6 months. when i got over people talking shit and taking this too seriously i moved to youtube. and well got the clan i ran to almost 4k in a flash. also finished editing for Amp which is and will be for a while australias top clan.

Reborn 1.3k - Hacked
Zest 1.4k - Lead by Dare Ali
TSR 3.4k - Hacked
Code 4.4k - Left
Atlas - ??K - Ended
Amp - Quit at 5k

But yeh guys thanks for the ride.

ReVo / Simqle / Enzu

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