Kaza whaki
Kaza whaki's Channel
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Kaza whaki
A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of man who does not exist. KAZAWHAKI, a young* loner on a crusade** to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.*

*The term young is used here in a looser sense than usual. **Kazawhaki may or may not engage in the act of crusading and the term should not be interpreted in any way as binding.
***During any future possible conversations Kazawhaki reserves the right to champion the cause of but not solely restricted to; the innocent, the guilty, the innocent whose names have been changed to protect the guilty, the guilty whose names may have been changed to protect the innocent, the helpless, the helpful, the powerless, the powerful and all persons living or dead who may be fictitious or otherwise which might be completely coincidental.

***Kazawhaki also reserves the right to not bother with the whole crusading thing and just go for spins on the bike while talking shite.
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