Outdoor Nomad
Outdoor Nomad's Channel
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Outdoor Nomad
‪Slowing down to walk changed my life. I look at the ability to walk as a gift. Every day that I get to put my two feet on the ground and have them take me anywhere I want to go is truly incredible.‬ The one thing I like to do most of all is to sit back and absorb nature, watch the birds, listen to there singing, go hiking, camping and sometimes just being alone with nature. This is special to me. I want to meet fellow adventurers with similar interest, ideas, views and goals. I want to share my adventures when outdoors with you in hope to encourage you to get outdoors and have your own adventure. Camping and hiking is good for the mind, body, and soul. But don't just take my word for it; get out there and experience it for yourself! 🤠


Life is a journey, not a destination.
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