Rafichan's Channel
Rafichan has no videos available.
Bienvenidos a mi canal, este es un canal secundario que esta hecho para los gameplyas, no suelo ser muy gracioso, tengo que reconocerlo😅 pero aún asi, espero que te haga pasar un buen rato.🐻💜

Here in this channel I use to upload random videos found on tik tok, so when I find out who the original creator of this is, I give them their credits since the video must definitely belong to someone
I do not worry about people who say that I steal my videos, since this channel is just a pass time, I upload random videos and I do not have in mind to grow with this channel in large quantities with videos that are not mine, I only upload things for fun If a video that uploads here has a respective owner, I will give it its credits..

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