cindy vo
cindy vo's Channel
cindy vo has no videos available.
cindy vo
Hey guys, welcome to my channel!
You'll find K-POP vocal and dance covers as well as vlogs throughout some of my favorite moments in life.



What is your ethnicity?
- I am Vietnamese/Irish.

How do you learn kpop dances?
- From provided videos on YouTube like mirrored practices but sometimes I mirror the videos myself. Also, from other live performances!

What do you use to edit your videos/covers?
- Sony Vegas Pro 18/Adobe Premiere for video.
- Adobe Audition/Ableton for audio.

What type of mic do you use?
- Currently using the Blue Baby Bottle with the Scarlett 2i2 interface! Also used the USB Yeti Mic and Snowball Mic in the past.

Where can I see more of your life?
- Active on my Instagram! Click on the links provided on my channel and you can follow all my social media there!
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