Diamonds and Devils
Diamonds and Devils's Channel
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Diamonds and Devils
Sometimes heavy, sometimes light, Diamond and Devils follows a formula that's like sweet, reliable cookies and cupcakes. These fan fictions are for teens (15+) and adults and were created by Team Diamond's Commander, RoseyDanes. Fandoms: Sonic, Teen Titans, Devil May Cry, Darkwing Duck. New videos on the 10th and 20th of the month, starting in May, 2025.

Sugary Checklist

1. Protagonist teleported into another dimension/world/franchise
2. Said protagonist dies
3. Death is reversible
4. GAAAY?!?!!?
5. Parents and Children
6. Gems, Diamonds, Stars and/or Space

Listen up Jackal Squad, your mission is to subscribe and stay notified, stay alert! Recon the area and explore while I battle illusions of my own.

Don't worry, I'll keep an infinitely close eye on you.

P.S. We also create a substantial amount of shitposts.
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