GETchan Archives
GETchan Archives's Channel
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GETchan Archives
The secondary channel for the GETchan YouTube Channel, which has a focus on rare left-wing songs and music compilations.

This channel will serve as a home for anything I find that I feel I can't fit on the main channel, such as non-musical content like speeches or poems, non-political music such as folk songs, fragments of songs, low-quality recordings, songs I'm certain I'll never get the lyrics to, videos removed by YouTube on the main channel, etc.

In general, the videos on this channel will be much lower effort than those on the main channel. For the most part, I won't be subtitling them unless I have the lyrics and/or translation readily available. I also probably won't spend hours editing backgrounds like I sometimes do for the main channel. I basically just want to dump things here for the sake of archival. Videos here may be frequent or few and far in between, it will be fairly random.

Check out the main channel if you haven't already!

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