The Pixelball
The Pixelball's Channel
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The Pixelball
I am the Pixelball, a pixelized North American ball that likes mapping in 144p. Of course, this doesn't mean the quality of the videos are bad. I take my time with each and every episode, animating each slide with care, and sliding each animation with care as well. I hope you enjoy my crap!

I currently am working on 2 series': AFOBE and AHOFE. AFOBE is an alternate future scenario where a new material is discovered that, when manipulated right, allows the user to change the structure of DNA extremely easily. This allows for major technological boosts for the nations of europe.
AHOFE is the exact opposite, being an apocalypse scenario beginning in 1940. After the breakout of WW2, hundreds of dragons came out of nowhere and absolutely destroyed the continent with their flame breath. The survivors must find a way to survive in this new, fiery wasteland.

Special thanks to BLG Studios for helping me write the scripts, and to the musicians who allow their music to be played in my videos.

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