Bitty Boo Brown
Bitty Boo Brown's Channel
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Bitty Boo Brown
Welcome to my channel. Here you will find homesteading ups and downs. Shopping hauls, Decorating, Prepping, Canning, Cooking and much more. I hope you enjoy my channel. This channel is aimed at people 16 and older. There will be content on this channel such as dispatching animals for food. You may even see guns and knives from time to time. This channel is not for young children. I try to keep my channel family friendly, but I do show life on a farm. On a farm we raise food to eat and that includes animals.

Remember the world is a better place because you are in it. Please never forget that. God Bless all much love and hugs from my family to yours.

Amazon wish list:

Dana Brown
1134 N. 4 Corners Rd.
McAlester, OK. 74501

If you need someone to talk to or need prayers just give me a call we will pray together.
(539) 995-1169 If I can't answer right then I will call back.

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