DashTransit's Channel
DashTransit has no videos available.
Transit Buses, trains, and more! Subscribe for daily vids!

DashTransit was originally called "njt5329" and the channel was just clips of buses. Mostly SEPTA and NJT. A Fujifilm Finepix was used in this era.

Starting in July 2011, the Canon SX130IS camera became the camera of the channel, bringing HD documentary-style videos much like trainman1971 did for DVD for many years past. The channel became known as "Transit Action Series"

In May 2012, the original Canon SX130IS retired, and then all videos were recorded off a mobile phone until eventually uploaded proved too difficult due to hardships IRL

Starting in 2017, I used a Canon SX200IS from Bastranz to reboot the channel that otherwise was dead for a whole year prior.

Between April 19th, 2019, and January 21st, 2021, all videos were recorded by a Canon SX710 HS camera. The channel was renamed DashTransit on 4/19/19.

From February 5th, 2021, and onward we use a Sony a6000

TrAcSe and DashTransit ©2010-2021
All rights reserved

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