Hi, I'm Ven!
I'm a variety streaming Elven Vtuber that has unlocked Quest: Twitch Streaming for the XP.
I love RPGs, Sci-Fi, Action Adventure and Horror games.
I stream on Twitch 6pm BST Weds and Sat - see my twitter for my schedule updates as sometimes I need to take time away for my day job
My content is NOT made for children. Viewer discretion is advised.
I do not give permission for my voice, these videos to be uploaded anywhere else by anyone else. It is only for this Youtube channel: Venture Vtuber. My logo and design of Ven belongs to me.
I'm a variety streaming Elven Vtuber that has unlocked Quest: Twitch Streaming for the XP.
I love RPGs, Sci-Fi, Action Adventure and Horror games.
I stream on Twitch 6pm BST Weds and Sat - see my twitter for my schedule updates as sometimes I need to take time away for my day job
My content is NOT made for children. Viewer discretion is advised.
I do not give permission for my voice, these videos to be uploaded anywhere else by anyone else. It is only for this Youtube channel: Venture Vtuber. My logo and design of Ven belongs to me.
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