Depleon's Channel
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I am your friendly neighbourhood Dinotuber who primarily plays Creature Survival games in a comedic fashion with friends for a uniquely us experience. I also do semi-review style videos here or there for new content on the games I cover. I usually cover games like The Isle, Path of Titans, Animalia Survival, Primal Carnage Extinction and many more from time to time with the occasional Livestream. As well as some hang out content like my Pesky Interview video. Feel free to sit back relax and enjoy a good time with my friends and Me.

Please remember all opinions expressed in my videos are of mine alone and I do not represent any game developer.

If you would like to get more involved in my community feel free to join my Discord:
I am horrible with keeping up with my Instagram but I would appreciate a follow if you would be so kind: @depleonyt

If you would like to support me a simple like and subscribe will do though donations are welcome and appreciated.

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