Peter Friebel
Peter Friebel's Channel
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Peter Friebel
This channel is for anyone who is interested in self-enquiry, non-dualism, Advaita or as I call it "The Beauty Way"

In finding our true nature we find the Beauty Way, in the Beauty Way we reclaim our natural happiness and aliveness. It may seem very counter intuitive if I say that the only thing that stands in the way of realizing your true self is your person. There are many possible reasons for people to start reflecting on the question “Who am I, what is my true nature?”. What ever those reasons are they come from a gradual (sometimes even sudden) awareness of a perceiver of the person and the thoughts seemingly bound by that person. This is the start of self-enquiry, a journey of subtle transcendence, leading back to the original self and the Beauty Way.

I organize retreats, courses, workshops and on-line events. See, for more info.
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