343 Sacred Studios
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343 Sacred Studios
Hello everyone, my name is Sacred Studios, I go by many aliases such as Dinosaur Bros, Sacred Studios Gamer Hub, 343 Sacred Studios. I am an animator who produces Stop Motion animated films surrounding the video game and literature franchise known as Halo. I am the creator and producer of the series and film(s) known as
Halo Mega Construx High Caliber Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Trophy Hunt Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Reclamation Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Army Green Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Red Raid Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Journey Of Blair Salvon Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx 7 Deadly Rings Stop Motion

Halo Mega Construx Underworld Stop Motion

(Common Questions that you might ask)

1. What do I use to animate?

I use Stop Motion studio pro. It is a $5.99 app on the Google Play and IOS store that is quite reliable.

2. What editing software do I use?

I use Lexis Audio editor for recording voice lines and Youcut video editing for editing videos.
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